Investigation & Resilience in a Changing Digital World

8 CPE Credits, 0 Ethics Credits

ACFE-GTA E-Learning

Course Description

The internet and the content held within change at a faster rate than ever before. New applications, legal ramifications, restricted access, AI, bots, fake accounts and just too much data are all issues today’s investigators need to navigate. Now let’s do it without leaving a footprint, legally, defendable, and properly documented. A Participant Workbook will be provided to help you capture your learning.

What You Will Learn

This training will address some simple and often forgotten resources, addressing proper search protocols, sifting through everything, and separating fiction from fact. We will explore:

  • Practical Application: Participants will learn the details of an actual investigation at the beginning of the day, and then if time permits, will participate in the conduct of a live investigation process for a typical file utilizing resources below.
  • Search engines, know-how, and short-cuts (e.g., Google alerts, Google dorking, Google Lens, Historical Google Street View, etc.)
  • Researcher to see but not be seen (e.g., cookies, digital fingerprinting, social media sites, website analytics, keystroke analysis, mouse movements, motion sensing, GPS tracking, etc.)
  • How to protect yourself online (e.g., sock puppets, user agent spoofing, anti-digital fingerprinting tools, etc.)
  • Current state of social media, what's available and how to access (e.g., changes to Twitter's API, Twitter alternatives, dynamic page loads in Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and how to capture, Facebook & Instagram combining forces, TikTok privacy issues, Hunchly, etc.)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven problems & deep fakes (e.g., good and bad AI tools, deep fake examples, AI comparison tests, etc.)
  • Dark web (e.g., refresher of different web states, overview of onion sites, different access tools, unobfuscating users, etc.)
  • Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering (e.g., PimEyes, GEOINT, etc.)


Non-member Price:
Member Price: