Dorian Dwyer

About Dorian Dwyer
A specialist with over 17 years in investigation, case management, and training in the area of economic crime, health fraud, corruption, insurance, internal, regulatory, and corporate investigations. A dedicated professional with over 34 years of investigative and managerial experience in law enforcement and public sector investigations. An energetic, competent, and reliable person known for integrity and sound ethical decision-making skills who fosters excellent stakeholder relations. A person who leads by example with integrity and is passionate about contributing to an employer or client’s goals and objectives.
- President & CEO - Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Greater Toronto Area Chapter
- Senior Investigator - Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Detective Staff Sergeant | Unit Commander - Ontario Provincial Police-Retired (Sep 2016)
As a Senior Investigator/Provincial Offences Officer with the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board of Ontario (WSIB) Dorian investigated allegations of wrongdoing against the WSIB and filed charges where appropriate for violations under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
Prior to joining the WSIB, he was a Police Officer with the Ontario Provincial Police for thirty-one years and was a member of the Anti-Rackets Branch for 14 years. He joined the OPP in 1985 and worked as a uniform officer in a variety of capacities and locations for 17 years before his transfer to Anti-Rackets Branch in 2003. There he investigated economic crime and corruption cases and in 2008 joined the Health Fraud Investigations Unit. In 2014 he became the Commander of that Unit.
During his tenure in Anti-Rackets Branch he has investigated and/or case managed many major economic crime offences, corruption cases, and health fraud cases (including provincial offences) involving millions of dollars in losses.
Dorian graduated from the Law and Security program at Conestoga College in 1984 and in 2011 completed his BSc Criminal Justice, Economic Crime Investigation, with Syracuse University. In 2011 he became a Certified Fraud Examiner with the ACFE and joined the Board of Directors - Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Chapter in 2014. He was elected to the role of President in October 2019.