Jennifer Fiddian-Green

Partner, , Grant Thornton LLP (Canada)
About Jennifer Fiddian-Green
Jennifer is a partner with Grant Thornton LLP’s Advisory Services, practicing in the area of Forensic Accounting, AML, Investigations and Litigation. Jennifer is a specialist in investigation and forensic accounting (IFA) and an anti-money laundering (AML) specialist. Jennifer has investigated, reported and managed numerous fraud investigations and financial disputes, involving both civil and criminal allegations. Jennifer provides litigation support services for financial dispute matters and experience working to lead the expert testifier support team as well as lead expert in a number of large-scale dispute engagements; Jennifer has been jointly
retained numerous times as an accounting expert. Jennifer has led the development of our AML compliance program review services, regularly
works with regulated entities to address and manage higher money laundering and terrorist financing risk areas and provides recommendations for practical and defensible compliance strategies.
Jennifer has over 20 years of AML/ATF focused experience in Canada, and now more globally and works with entities that have multi-jurisdictional
requirements, including Canada, US, UK and Australia.